University Committees

Leadership Feedback Committee


  1. Faculty, Instructional Academic Staff, and Department Assistants shall have the opportunity to participate in periodic evaluation of the Chancellor, the Provost, and the Deans. All Faculty, Instructional Academic Staff, and Department Assistants are eligible respondents for the Chancellor and Provost. Only Faculty, Instructional Academic Staff, and Department Assistants within each college are eligible respondents for the evaluation of that college’s Dean.
  2. The Chancellor, the Provost, and each of the Deans, Associate Dean(s), and Assistant Dean(s) shall be reviewed after their first year in the role and every 3 years thereafter.
  3. The Leadership Feedback Committee (LFC) assumes responsibility for establishing/revising the evaluation tool and procedure. This tool and procedure will be developed/revised in consultation with the administration, the Chief Human Resources Officer, and the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. All evaluation tools and procedures must be approved by the Faculty Senate before implementation. The procedure should include, minimally, a questionnaire in which faculty, instructional academic staff, and department assistants are asked to comment on and indicate their level of satisfaction with the administrator’s performance. The questionnaire is to be electronically distributed to all eligible respondents.
  4. Members of the LFC will use the collected data (i.e. questionnaires and information solicited from respondents) to compile a preliminary evaluation report which summarizes the administrator’s strengths, areas of potential growth, and any recommended actions, as well as other relevant information at the discretion of the LFC.
  5. The LFC’s preliminary evaluation report will be electronically distributed to the administrator(s) being evaluated. The administrator(s) shall have fifteen (15) working days within which to review and respond to the committee’s preliminary report. The LFC shall have ten (10) working days to examine any response received from the administrator(s) being evaluated and to make any additions or corrections to its final evaluation report. The LFC is not required to make changes to the report.
  6. The raw data set of responses collected are confidential and shall not be shared outside the members of the LFC.
  7. The LFC will forward its final evaluation report to the Chair of the Faculty Senate who will electronically distribute it to the administrator(s) being evaluated, their supervisor(s), and the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.
  8. The supervisor of the individual(s) being evaluated shall inform the LFC and the Chair of the Faculty Senate, not later than twenty (20) working days after receipt of the final evaluation report, of any and all actions that have been taken, or are planned, in response to the report.


This committee shall consist of seven voting members:

  1. One tenured faculty member from each college, elected by the constituency
  2. One instructional academic staff member, chosen annually by the Academic Staff Assembly according to their own processes
  3. One Department Assistant, chosen annually by the University Staff Assembly according to their own processes


Elected members shall serve a 3 year term.

A tenure faculty member from Letters & Sciences and Business & Economic will be elected in 2023 and every 3 years thereafter. 

A tenure faculty member from Integrated Studies and Education & Professional Studies will be elected in 2024 and every 3 years thereafter. 

A tenure faculty member from Arts & Communications will be elected in 2025 and every 3 years thereafter.

Established at the All Faculty Meeting on 2023-03-21

Current Committee Membership