Center for Inclusive Transition, Education, & Employment (CITEE)
Qualified Treatment Trainees

Qualified Treatment Trainee (QTT) Grant Program

CITEE is currently working to relocate all of our QTT resources to our new location at UW-Milwaukee. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the QTT Grants Program, please contact us at the email listed below.

About Qualified Treatment Trainees Grant Program

The Qualified Treatment Trainee (QTT) Grants Program is intended to increase the number of high quality QTT positions available to post-graduate QTTs across Wisconsin. Operating on the assumption that clinical skills develop through supervision by trained supervisors working within an agency that embraces the additional responsibilities and best practices in supervision, the QTT Grants Program includes professional development opportunities designed to allow all QTT supervisors, regardless of experience level, the chance to review, refresh, and improve their supervisory professional development. The QTT Grants Program also includes self-assessment and evaluation components. These components will allow for continuous supervisor growth by providing a structure for the self-reflection, incorporation of evidence-based best practices that high-quality supervision requires. It will also provide Wisconsin a broad picture of current practices and statewide needs among QTT supervisors for the development of future trainings.

The Qualified Treatment Trainee (QTT) grants program is funded by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of Care and Treatment services (DHS/DCTS) with authority under Wis. Stat. § 146.618. The program is administered by DHS/DCTS in coordination with University of Wisconsin – Whitewater’s Center for Inclusive Transition, Education and Employment (CITEE) with the support of the QTT grants program advisory committee.

August 3, 2022, Children’s Wisconsin

Governor Evers and state dignitaries with ARPA behavioral health care grant recipients from 足彩平台 CITEE and Children’s Wisconsin on August 3, 2022.

Governor Tony Evers announced that 足彩平台’s Center for Inclusive Integrated Transition, Education & Employment (CITEE) has been awarded $9.1 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to support the Qualified Treatment Trainee Grants Program and build educational pathways. The QTT Grants Program will receive $7.6 million of this investment.


Qualified Treatment Trainee (QTT):

*Please note - our contact information has changed!


Phone: (414) 251-7141