Children's Center

Children's Center Registration

In order for your child to be eligible to attend our center, all required forms and the registration fee must be turned in to our office. These forms are available either in our office or in the "Registration Form" tab below. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call at (262) 472-1768.

The following steps are taken when a family applies for enrollment at the Children's Center. Please understand that we are a small center so we can not possibly meet the needs of all those who apply.  We try to accomodate the needs of as many families as possible.

  1. Fill out an application at your convenience. The application is available electronically by clicking the "Registration Form" tab below. The application can be turned in at any time, but applications are dated and if decisions need to be made about the waitlist, there are prioritized by the date the application and registration fee are submitted. If you do not know what your schedule will be, sign up for the best estimate of the schedule you anticipate you may need. Please inform us as soon as possible if you plan to reduce your child's scheduled time because there may be many others waiting for an opening. It may be difficult to add blocks of time. 

  2. Submit the application electronically (and mail the registration fee) or bring a hard copy of the application and the registration fee directly to the Children's Center office.

  3. The director starts the enrollment process at the designated date (call 262-472-1768 or see calendar for exact dates).  UWW Student families receive priority for enrollment. Enrollment forms are processed according to the date they are received.

  4. Letters are sent to families confirming enrollment or status on the waiting list. If families want any schedule changes, those must be submitted in writing including the dropping of childcare services completely. If parents do not let the Center know that the child will not be attending the Center, the parent is still responsible for payment of tuition fills billed.

  5. For families with children on the waiting list, the family will be notified if space becomes available. Quite often, it is not possible for a family to receive all of the requested schedule. If space opens up and the family does not accept it because they need all of the requested days, the child will be put back on the waiting list, and the next child will be offered the enrollment spot.

  6. Children will remain on the waiting list throughout the semester unless a space opens up for them in the classroom or if the family requests that their name be taken off the list.

  7. Children who have remained on the waiting list for entire semester will receive priority for the next semester (before the children who have not been on the waiting list).

  8. Once your enrollment form is turned in be sure to notify the Children's Center of any contact information changes or updates when a child is born. We cannot hold spaces for families that we cannot reach and families who are enrolled and do not notify us of the need to withdrawal their application will still be held liable for tuition and fees.

Please complete the entire form to apply for enrollment in the 足彩平台 Children's Center. All fields marked with a * are required. Admittance is for children aged 12 weeks and up.