College of Education & Professional Studies

Welcome to Army ROTC

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Location: McCutchan Hall (Fourth Floor)
Phone: (262) 472-1541 

For those students interested in the ROTC Program, UW Whitewater offers leadership electives as well as a leadership minor. There are several additional opportunities in the leadership department to include; scholarships, Basic Course, Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP), and Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty (GRFD). 

ROTC is set up so that the first two years expose a student to Army history, structure, values and attributes. There is no commitment to join the Army by participating in those first two years. They are designed to allow the student to decide if being an Army Officer is right for them. At the same time, it allows the Cadre an opportunity to assess if the student has the attributes required to be an Army Officer. If that is the case than the student signs up to participate and would attend the Advance Course between their junior and senior year. Once the student graduates with a degree, in the major of their choice, they are commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army either on Active Duty or in the Guard/Reserve.

If you want to find out about the program; we recommend you sign up for any of the following classes to see if it is right for you:

LDRSHP 110 (Fall) - Introduction to Leadership

LDRSHP 120 (Spring) - Introduction to Leadership

LDRSHP 118 - Basic Military Rappelling

PEGNRL 187 - Military Conditioning

LDRSHP 111 (Fall) - Leadership Lab

LDRSHP 121 (Spring) Leadership Lab

High School Juniors and seniors can apply for a scholarship through the National High School Scholarship Program online. For more information about ROTC scholarships, including eligibility requirements, visit the Army ROTC website.

Contracting Routes

100% of tuition paid. Receive a stipend every month and receive $600 a semester for books and laboratory expenses. Once you graduate you owe the Army four years on active duty or eight years in the National Guard/Reserves as an officer, leading soldiers. Scholarship Cadets usually contract in the fall of their Freshmen or Sophomore year.

You are a ROTC Cadet and a member of the National Guard/Reserves. You get money for tuition and receive a stipend every month. You also have to attend drill one weekend a month with your unit. You will be paid around $200 a month after taxes for drill weekends. You also get to pick which unit that you want to be in. Once you graduate you will owe the Army three years on active duty or 6 years in the National Guard/Reserves as an officer, leading soldiers. SMP Cadets usually contract in the spring of their sophomore year, though some are offered the opportunity in the fall.

Receive a stipend every month. You will owe the Army three years on active duty or 6 years in the National Guard/Reserves as an officer. Progression Cadets (those who have taken the Basic Course and are not scholarship or SMP Cadets) and Lateral Entry Cadets (those who transferred in with placement credit) contract in the Fall of their Junior year.

Student in uniform receiving a award
students in uniform smiling while crawling through a field ROTC Color Guard
ROTC getting done from a meeting
student in uniform thinking of a plan